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Online Training: Geropsychologists Find Success and Satisfaction with All Manner of Programs

This is a nice article about innovative approaches of psychologists who are providing services to older adults through online programs and training. The author, Dr. Paula Hartman-Stein, states that while many psychologists who provide behavioral health services to older adults are bemoaning 2021 Medicare cuts, online gero-entrepreneurs are helping older adults, family caregivers and staff in long-term care in locations around the world. And they are getting paid for their expertise – with no dependence on insurance and without leaving home.

One person interviewed, Dr. Joe Casciani, is the owner of the Living to 100 Club. The author of the article, who has coined the term gero-entrepreneurs, is a colleague of Joe’s, Dr. Paula Hartman-Stein.

As Paula writes, Joe began the Living to 100 Club, offering individual and organizational memberships and hosted a weekly cable radio program for a year through, interviewing experts on various aging topics. He currently records podcasts and hopes to get advertising sponsors. He’s written a book, Living Longer is the New Normal. He does public speaking to community groups, writes newsletters and offers brief individual consultations to inspire and educate.

Read the entire article to learn about other psychologists working in this specialty area.

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