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What is There to Celebrate about Aging? Plenty

by Joseph M. Casciani, PhD

In the midst of the doctor’s appointments, forgetfulness, medications, and other setbacks, it’s easy to lose sight of the benefits of getting older. Here’s a short list of the many reasons to celebrate aging, and what to be mindful of.

Greater Appreciation for Life

Richer Relationships

Modeling and Mentoring

The Value of Our Legacy

Resilience May Rank Highest

Yes, there are negatives but there are also positives. An 8-ounce glass with 4 ounces of water is both half-full and half-empty. Which do you want to focus on? With a clear picture, there is a lot to celebrate about aging. The Living to 100 Club helps to keep raising our awareness of these positives.

This article is a composite of several cards in Module #12, What Opportunities Lie Ahead? The Modules are found in our new card deck series, Better, Longer & Happier. It is a collection of educational, inspirational, and activity-oriented programs. They are written for life enhancement and program directors in senior communities and organizations. The program aims to help seniors stay engaged, overcome obstacles, and stay positive about their future.

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