Are you a caregiver? Either a professional, or a child, spouse, family member or friend, who as accepting the responsibility for caring for a senior. Dr. Casciani applauds your commitment and wants to provide you with great information, insights, and tips, to help you in your mission.
How to Fly on Planes Carefree with Bailey, Your Favorite Pet 1024 480 Joe Casciani PhD Joe Casciani PhD Andrea Support Pets are like family. Here at the Living to 100 Club, it’s important to elevate the importance that pets bring to their owners, especially to those over age…
read moreFriends and Family May Help Italians Live Healthier and Longer 905 603 Joe Casciani PhD Joe Casciani PhD Casciani By Nina Avramova, CNN If you think longevity solely comes down to genes and diet, think again. Our social life — the family ties and the bonds you…
read morePerson-centered Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic with Dr. Michael Wasserman 800 533 Joe Casciani PhD Joe Casciani PhD episode of the Living to 100 Club radio program invites a respected and noted authority on geriatric medicine and long term care, Dr. Michael Wasserman. Patient-centered care recognizes the…
read moreHow We Flourish in the Second Half of Life with Dr. Ken Druck 800 536 Joe Casciani PhD Joe Casciani PhD are very fortunate to have Dr. Ken Druck as the next guest on the Living to 100 Club radio program, as we discuss his new book, “Raising an Aging…
read more5 Common Denominators Behind All Disease with Debi Waldeck 800 536 Joe Casciani PhD Joe Casciani PhD next episode of the Living to 100 Club radio program brings an exciting guest to share her insights about the red flags that signal the onset of sickness and…
read moreWhat are the Options in Long-Term Care Placement and Long-Term Care Insurance with Kevin Leinum 800 536 Joe Casciani PhD Joe Casciani PhD in long term care settings is a complicated and often stressful endeavor for many reasons, chief among them the different levels of care involved and understanding the payment for…
read moreVoices from the Margins: Reflections of an Oncology Chaplain with Michael Eselun 800 536 Joe Casciani PhD Joe Casciani PhD episode is the third in a 3-part series of Living to 100 Club radio shows exploring oncology, patients with cancer, and their treatment. This episode focuses on spiritual care,…
read moreResilience through Uncertainty: Living Well through a Cancer Diagnosis with Dr. Kauser Ahmed 800 536 Joe Casciani PhD Joe Casciani PhD episode is a departure from the usual Living to 100 topics airing on our Radio Show, but one equally important to other programs we have had. We will be…
read moreExploring Supportive Environments for Older Adults with Addie Abushousheh 800 536 Joe Casciani PhD Joe Casciani PhD program takes an in-depth look at how environments are, or should be, designed that take into account the normal age-related changes that occur as we get older, as well…
read moreDecision-Making Capacity in Older Adults with Dr. Peter Lichtenberg 333 333 Joe Casciani PhD Joe Casciani PhD episode of the Living to 100 Club Radio show has as its guest one of the leading experts in determining decision-making capacity in older adults, Dr. Peter Lichtenberg. Dr.…
read moreOlder Adult Technology Services (O.A.T.S.) with Alex Glazebrook 900 600 Joe Casciani PhD Joe Casciani PhD episode of the Living to 100 Club Radio show highlights the award-winning work done for seniors in New York City by Older Adult Technology Services, (O.A.T.S.). This organization has…
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