
Dementia is a syndrome or collection of symptoms that produce declines in memory and other mental abilities creating confusion and communication difficulty. Dementia is caused by various conditions diseases or conditions, most of which have no cure, such as Alzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia, or Parkinson’s disease. It is important to remember that the diagnosis or observation of this mental decline does not necessarily mean it is an untreatable or irreversible condition. However, the individual who is affected or family members observing these changes should seek neurological and neuropsychological confirmation of the type of dementia that is occurring.

Is Dementia Preventable?
800 560 Joe Casciani PhD

Is Dementia Preventable? Science has long known about primary dementia, as a degenerative, progressive disease. Variants of primary dementia (now referred to as major neurocognitive disorder) include Alzheimer’s disease, vascular…

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Caregiving and dementia
An Ounce of Prevention: What Caregivers Need to Know about Dementia
800 560 Joe Casciani PhD

Living longer means that physical decline will likely occur in our later years. This may show up in our vision or hearing, balance, or muscle strength. Possibly, it will show…

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Rob Liebriech
Stronger Memory Program: A Breakthrough Approach to Improved Mental Function
800 560 Joe Casciani PhD

Our guest on this Living to 100 Club podcast discusses an innovative program developed in Japan, the Stronger Memory program. Independent living, assisted living, and skilled nursing facilities in the…

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Vera Stasny
Confronting Early Trauma and Stress: How Writing Set Me Free
800 560 Joe Casciani PhD

This program invites as its guest Vera Stasny. Vera writes about personal trauma, loss, joy, pain, love, and death. Her book, Being Heard: Healing Voices of Trauma, is a collection of…

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How to Individualize Care for the Person with Dementia
800 564 Joe Casciani PhD

This conversation explores the diagnosis of dementia. How is it manifested? What problems arise from the changes that occur in the brain of the person with this condition? And, what…

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COVID and dementia
How to Protect Dementia Patients from COVID-19
800 536 Joe Casciani PhD

See original article here. As if protecting everyone from COVID-19 infection isn’t hard enough, there are unique and very difficult challenges to reduce the risk of infection with patients who…

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Rejuvenate Your Brain to be Smarter with Age
800 586 Joe Casciani PhD

Read the Full Article Neurologist Daniel Levitin insists that we really are wiser after 70. Read this interview with him as he discusses how variety isn’t just the spice of…

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Anti-inflammatory Drugs May Fight Brain Aging
480 319 Joe Casciani PhD

Read the Full Article Interesting findings from UC Berkley about the relationship of inflammation and memory. An inflammatory load could be interfering with brain functioning. Brain Health and Memory strongly…

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Brain Boosting Foods
800 536 Joe Casciani PhD

Article Referenced Keep your brain healthy and sharp with these nutrient-dense, brain boosting foods, from berries to bone broth.The way to keep calories under control is by eating nutrition dense…

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50+ and Healthy: What You Need to Know about Mental Health and Healthy Aging with Dr. Murali Rao
800 536 Joe Casciani PhD

What is the relationship between mental health and successful aging? In this episode, we will take a deep dive into the role that mental health plays in staying physically healthy…

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Signs Your Elderly Parent Shouldn’t Be Living Alone
1024 480 Joe Casciani PhD

Article Referred This is a great article about this important and difficult discussion and decision. To help us make more informed decisions about time to shift parents from independent…

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Stroke Effects
Genius Habits To Exercise Your Brain
800 536 Joe Casciani PhD

Referred Article This is a great article with tips to keep your brain sharp, for your entire life. “Genius habits” for successful aging, practices to start at any age…

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