Heart Disease

Myocardial infarction (MI) is a heart attack. It occurs when there is a sudden, complete blockage of blood flow to a portion of heart muscle. Myocardial infarction is one of the most common diseases in the U.S. and causes a large number of deaths every year. Myocardial infarction may occur at any time and often occurs without warning. As we grow older, our coronary arteries may become narrowed by the buildup of cholesterol plaque. When the arteries narrow, less blood can go through them, and less oxygen gets to the heart muscle. The process of narrowing is called atherosclerosis. The narrower the artery becomes, the more likely it is that a blood clot may form and block the artery completely, causing a heart attack. Sometimes sudden blockages can occur even in places where the artery was not narrow before.

How to Get Rebellious Over 50 with Gregory Anne Cox
800 536 Joe Casciani PhD

Explore with us on our next Podcast the latest science on longevity and disease prevention, brain, heart, and gut health. Our guest is Gregory Anne Cox, who considers herself a…

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Diet and Good Nutrition: What Are We to Believe?
800 536 Joe Casciani PhD

Living to 100, or at least the mindset to live longer and healthier, requires us to make decisions every day about what behaviors – like eating, staying active, maintaining social…

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Heart Chest Pain
Sudden Cardiac Arrest or Heart Attack
800 533 Joe Casciani PhD

Better to be prepared in case someone urgently needs an automated external defibrillator (AED). This is a good article about sudden cardiac arrest, how this is different from a heart…

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No Gimmick, Lasting Weight Loss
800 536 Joe Casciani PhD

Read Full Article A dietician shares what she has learned over the years about weight loss, and how we can keep the weight off.It is an easy to follow list,…

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Discomfort Might Extend Our Lifespan
480 270 Joe Casciani PhD

Read the Full Article Harvard Medical School professor of genetics, David Sinclair, PhD, discusses how our genes influence our aging experience.He further explores how lifestyle and activities can influence your…

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Which Diet Boosts Longevity?
800 536 Joe Casciani PhD

Read the Full Article Citing a JAMA Internal Medicine journal’s study, this article jumps right into the middle of the low-carb vs. low-fat debate.Which is healthier, or leads to better…

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Movement is Medicine: Why Exercise is So Important with Advancing Age with Dan McFarlane
1024 576 Joe Casciani PhD

The older we get, the more important exercise becomes. Our guest, Dan McFarlane, has performed over 15,000 in-home therapy sessions, primarily with older adults and primarily for patients with “generalized,…

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Brain Boosting Foods
800 536 Joe Casciani PhD

Article Referenced https://www.thehealthy.com/aging/mind-memory/foods-that-will-make-you-smarter/ Keep your brain healthy and sharp with these nutrient-dense, brain boosting foods, from berries to bone broth.The way to keep calories under control is by eating nutrition dense…

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How to Reduce Muscle Loss as We Age
480 353 Joe Casciani PhD

Article Referred https://www.livestrong.com/article/13725835-sarcopenia-prevention-treatment/ Here is some useful information about the causes, prevention strategies, and possible fixes for muscle loss in later life. Staying active is one of the best things…

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Heart Chest Pain
Heart Disease Facts
800 533 Joe Casciani PhD

The following is derived from the Handbook of Health and Behavior: Psychological Treatment Strategies for the Nursing Home Patient Joseph M. Casciani, PhD This is part of a series where…

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Better Habits, Better Health with Dr. Michael Howard
480 320 Joe Casciani PhD

As the title suggests, this program explores the nature of chronic illness from different behavioral health perspectives: describe how personality types, core beliefs, and behavioral habits affect chronic illness; what…

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