Longevity Techniques

How to Stay Healthy and Live Long

The National Institutes of Health has determined that genetics probably accounts for only 25 to 30% of a long life, while 70 to 75% is decided by lifestyle. This suggests that perhaps we have more control over our lifespan than previously thought – and that maybe our parents did as well.
We know much more today about what contributes to living longer. Many of these longevity lessons are from the Blue Zones, geographic areas around the world that are home to some of the world’s oldest people. The lifestyle traits include regular physical activity, alcohol in moderation, close social circles, a sense of purpose and meaning, commitment to families, plant-based diets, and sufficient sleep.

Riding the Waves of Time: What Married Older Couples can Teach Us with Craig and Debbie Lambert
800 536 Joe Casciani PhD

This episode takes an in-depth look at our relationships, what makes them satisfying, how to improve them, and how to use them in our quest to living longer. Relationships can…

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Lives Well Lived with Sky Bergman
800 536 Joe Casciani PhD

This episode is dedicated to the film, “Lives Well Lived” directed and produced by Sky Bergman, Professor of Photography and Video at Cal Poly State University in San Luis Obispo,…

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What Yoga Can Teach Us about Living to 100 with Aman Keays
800 536 Joe Casciani PhD

Over 16 million Americans – and millions more around the world – practice Yoga regularly. This episode explores the benefits of maintaining a Yoga practice, its effect on longevity, and…

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