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How Can Older Adult Women Own and Share Their Life Affirming Message?

In this Living to 100 Club podcast, we invite as our guest Harriet Tubman Wright. Our discussion focuses on the contributions that older adult women can make to establish a safer, more balanced, and humane way of life for themselves and for others. Harriet describes the different environments – from the business world to our personal relationships – where women can recognize the strengths they have and overcome their self-limiting views. What is the awareness and consciousness that will sustain us, peacefully? Join us for this thought-provoking conversation.

Mini Bio

Harriet Tubman Wright, MS, MA is an accomplished Speaker/Storyteller, Published Author/Poet, Person-Centered Expressive Arts Facilitator, Metaphysician, Initiated Priestess and Elder. She guides mature spiritual and older adult women to fulfill their passion. Here, they can live healthy, purposeful, prosperous lives, doing what they most love to serve others. She also guides them to develop (R)evolutionary Leadership skills to help heal people and the planet.

Women with whom she has worked incorporated self-care practices to enhance their BodyMindSpiritSoul well-being and thrived. They have shifted limitation thinking to an all-sufficiency mindset and prospered. Also, they risked new livelihood possibilities and flourished. In addition, they have developed clarity and confidence about their capacity to co-lead the (R)evolution for transformation and liberation. Elder Harriet connects with business, professional, and cultural groups through Transformational Talks on Feminine Leadership, Soul Power, and Holistic Health, captivating audiences with humor and wisdom. She is a natural leader, seasoned professional and Your Guide to Be Fulfilled and Free!

For Our Listeners

Harriet’s Website: The Wright Resort


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