The Sinclair Method: An Innovative Approach to Reduce Excess Drinking with an FDA-approved Medication

800 560 Joe Casciani PhD

Tune in for this conversation about an innovative way to reduce alcohol use, using an FDA-approved medication in an “off label” way. Brian Noonan is our guest, and he describes the Sinclair Method, now available in 35 states, using the medication Naltrexone. This physician-prescribed medication is typically used to treat an alcohol use disorder during a period of abstinence. The approach that our guest describes, the Sinclair Method, reduces the pleasurable or euphoric effects of drinking. But, without the abstinence. In effect, the behavior of excess alcohol use does not produce the same desired effect, thus reducing the “reward” for drinking. This is in contrast to the traditional approach that requires that the person abstain from alcohol while using the drug. Hence, the “off label” descriptor. Be sure to join us.

Mini Bio

Passionate about helping to control the alcohol epidemic, Brian earned his Nurse Practitioner Degree from Vanderbilt University, with specific training at the Vanderbilt Institute for Treatment of Addiction. For the last 15 years, Brian has helped thousands of patients to decrease their alcohol consumption using The Sinclair Method, as well as treating many other general psychiatry patients including those with depression, anxiety, ADHD, and more. He now focuses on spreading the word about The Sinclair Method so that more people can break free from their negative alcohol use patterns.

For Our Listeners

Brian’s website: The Sinclair Method

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