A guide to aging with purpose and positivity

Living to 100 Club


  • “User-friendly” is the main driver when developing this Guide. New programs that take time to learn, prepare, and apply do not get used. Alternatively, relying on this usable card deck format allows Program Directors to select content from four sections and easily implement them:
    • a) presenting “Key Thoughts and Lessons”
    • b) taking a “Knowledge Deep Dive” for more background and detail
    • c) group “Activities and Exercises” or
    • d) sharing “Inspirational Stories”
  • As this GUIDE is introduced, Program Directors have access to programs that complement their existing activity schedule and offer ready-made lesson plans, while meeting their goals to improve the outlook and the mental and interpersonal functioning of residents.
  • Employers are seeking well-trained employees who can implement innovative programs for seniors and increase the community involvement and commitment of its residents. These Modules offer this.
  • The package includes a Module with recommendations on reaching those who are disinterested and disengaged in the community, a group that often presents challenges for Program Directors. Solutions are found here.
  • With the shift toward a positive mindset and engagement in the senior participants, Program Directors experience a heightened sense of job satisfaction, achievement, and accomplishment in their work.
  • The approaches and interventions that develop from this training package bring a valuable skillset to the Program Directors, skills that are marketable in any setting.
  • The rating scales and measurement tools that are included provide objective measures of the training success, something very important in program evaluation, and contribute to favorable resident surveys.
  • These Modules shift the mindset of those seniors who are participating from feeling stuck and discouraged about their future to an uplifted, refreshed outlook.


  • These Modules fill an important, cost-effective need for employee training and provide a permanent solution for enriching program development.
  • As residents feel more mentally challenged and shift toward a more positive view of aging from these programs, senior living settings experience less resident dissatisfaction and turnover. Resident retention is attributable to an increased sense of challenge, excitement, and cognitive growth resulting from these programs.
  • The reputation of the senior living community is enhanced as residents develop favorable reviews of the program, and experience positive changes from their participation. Outcomes and experiences are shared with friends and family, and sales and marketing employees report successes when meeting with their referral contacts.
  • As Program Directors become better equipped with effective life enhancement programs, the
  • senior living setting reduces its costs in caring for their residents while improving quality of life. This becomes more evident as a driving theme in these Modules encourages senior participants to take an active role in their self-care. In addition, by focusing on creating healthy coping skills and the ability to adapt to change and loss, Residents learn to process their loss, eventually recover, and maintain a positive outlook toward their future.
  • As residents learn more about healthy lifestyle behaviors related to fitness, diet, social connections, and making more informed decisions, they may experience less physical decline. This may prevent or postpone transfers to an acute hospital or higher levels of care, thus extending their stay.
  • The local community is always alerted to innovative programs in residential settings. Referral and placement agencies welcome these innovative programs as a benefit to their clients and their families.


The overriding theme of this GUIDE is to build a sense of community among residents, connections, openness, and communications with others while building on the principles of neuroplasticity to foster brain growth.

  • The content is a culmination of the author’s decades of experience in seeing what it takes to help older adults thrive instead of feeling discouraged about aging and their future.
  • The Modules also promote more favorable interactions among residents and staff.
  • From Dr. Casciani’s field-tested series of exercises, inspiring videos and case studies, and relationship-building programs, residents focus more
  • on their strengths, relinquish ageist stereotypes, and enjoy the benefits of strong, interpersonal relationships. As residents adopt more of the upsides of aging, Program Directors can be expected to feel especially effective in their role.
  • Residents will have a fresh new mindset about their physical and mental health, opportunity for cognitive stimulation, development of new skills and brain growth, increased stress management skills, and improved goal-setting and problem solving ability.
  • Importantly, they shift from ageist, stereotyped views of aging to a more positive, realistic, and contemporary view of aging.


From a cost-effective training program and a potential for reduced turnover of residents to a fresh, uplifted future mindset for participants, the three audiences will realize both tangible and intangible benefits from this BETTER, LONGER & HAPPIER GUIDE.

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