Bounce Back from Setbacks Sessions

The only way to weather setbacks is with resilience.

Resilience = flexibility.

Think of your resilient self as a willow in a windstorm. No matter which direction the wind blows, nor how hard, the willow bends and adjusts. When the storm is done, the willow remains graceful and full of life. It bounces back. Mighty oaks do not always fare so well in such a storm.

We all have resilience but it can be hard to access when life’s storms are blowing hard, when it’s noisy and things feel out of our control.

Even the daily stress of managing all the to-dos on our list can feel like too much.

This happens to everyone, at all stages of life. But as we age it can be harder to bounce back, to tap into our resilient self than when we were in our 20s or 30s.

But it’s critical we find our way there.


When we lose touch with our resilient selves…

  • Decisions become harder to make
  • Creativity which normally adds a spark to the day is diminished
  • We can become rigid and inflexible
  • Emotions are harder to manage
  • One might even drop out of their social circles.

This last issue can lead to isolation, a known cause of accelerated mental and physical decline.

And that’s not what I want for you.

That’s why I created these Private, One-on-One, Bounce Back from Setbacks Sessions.

Dr. Joe CascianiThis session is for you if your setback is:

  • A Health challenge — temporary or more permanent — and you aren’t sure you can cope
  • A new or lingering relationship breakdown that it’s time to resolve
  • You are struggling with a recent or not-so-recent loss and you want to find peace

I am an experienced psychologist with 30+ years of experience with the 55+ group of men and women.

During our call(s?) you will get expert advice in a safe place, one with no judgement.

This session will leave you with 3 next steps to seeing the setback in a new light and moving beyond it.

This is perfect for you if you hesitate to talk to others about your problems or you prefer to speak with a professional.

Sign up for your Bounce Back from Setbacks Session Now »


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