Overcome Negative Beliefs

Getting past limiting self-definitions

The way we define ourselves determines how well we manage challenge, frustration, and disappointment.
If I see myself as capable, strong, and accomplished, I will face challenge with confidence.
If I define myself as someone who has only experienced a long succession of failures or disappointments, any new challenges or setbacks that come along will be overwhelming.
Steve Jobs saw himself as a failure and unwanted by his biological parents when he learned that he was adopted.
That is, until he was told by his adoptive parents that he was the most important person in the world when they adopted him.
Like the flip of a switch, Jobs went from being unloved and unwanted to being valuable, worthy, and remarkable.
This ability to shift our thinking is in all of us.

Can do, instead of can't do
5 Ways to Help You Think Positively
480 227 Joe Casciani PhD

Read the Full Article Memories of negative experiences are stored quicker than those from positive experiences, which is why we default to a negative mindset. Unless we deliberately shift our…

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Man hiking in woods
What Centenarians Do to Promote Longevity
2560 1707 Joe Casciani PhD

Read Full Article Researchers have learned there are lifestyle factors – like diet, exercise, sense of purpose, family and relationships – that contribute to longevity. This article presents a nice…

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Seniors smiling on a swing
From the Neck Upwards, I’m Fine
2560 1707 Joe Casciani PhD

Read the Full Article A centenarian talks about her journey of survival: the Great Depression, WW II, moving from England to Australia, giving birth to 10 children, and the loss…

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The Decade of the Young Old: The YOLD
700 471 Joe Casciani PhD

Read the Full Article The group of people between ages 65 and 75 is, on the whole, healthier, wealthier, and surviving in greater numbers than previous generations of seniors. According…

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Stress Busting Meditation
1024 683 Joe Casciani PhD

Read Full Article In this article, a holistic psychiatrist offers some tips on meditation. But, more than that, she provides detailed guidance for the process.They list several different meditation techniques,…

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Can do, instead of can't do
Universal Laws to Take To Heart
480 227 Joe Casciani PhD

Read the Full Article I just like this collection of “universal laws.” We hear about them in different ways and maybe have been exposed to many of them, but this…

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Are You Looking for a Podcast?
800 536 Joe Casciani PhD

Read Full Article There are many things we do, as we pursue healthy longevity, cooking, gardening, exercising. And you can listen to a podcast while doing all of them. So…

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93 Years of Practicing Yoga
480 305 Joe Casciani PhD

Read the Full Article Starting at 8, Tao Porchon-Lynch practiced Yoga for the next 93 years. Her life circumstances took her around the world, powered by a healthy diet and…

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Managing Anxiety in a Pandemic
800 536 Joe Casciani PhD

Article Referenced https://www.wm.edu/news/stories/2020/wm-wellness-expert-gives-advice-on-flourishing-amidst-change.php Some good advice on managing anxiety during this period of public health crisis, from the Associate V.P. of health and wellness programs at College of William and…

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33 Stress Management Tips
1024 683 Joe Casciani PhD

Article Referenced https://www.thehealthy.com/mental-health/stress/stress-management-tips/ Here is an extensive collection of short, easy to put into action methods to reduce stress.The author brings together a diverse group of health experts to offer…

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Wheelchair Gardening
Tapping into Resilience
909 1024 Joe Casciani PhD

Article Referenced https://sixtyandme.com/how-can-we-tap-into-resilience-during-difficult-times/ This is a nice re-cap of how important resilience is when facing adversity, where it comes from, and how to nurture it.The author encourages us to recognize…

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50+ and Healthy: What You Need to Know about Mental Health and Healthy Aging with Dr. Murali Rao
800 536 Joe Casciani PhD

What is the relationship between mental health and successful aging? In this episode, we will take a deep dive into the role that mental health plays in staying physically healthy…

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