Overcome Negative Beliefs

Getting past limiting self-definitions

The way we define ourselves determines how well we manage challenge, frustration, and disappointment.
If I see myself as capable, strong, and accomplished, I will face challenge with confidence.
If I define myself as someone who has only experienced a long succession of failures or disappointments, any new challenges or setbacks that come along will be overwhelming.
Steve Jobs saw himself as a failure and unwanted by his biological parents when he learned that he was adopted.
That is, until he was told by his adoptive parents that he was the most important person in the world when they adopted him.
Like the flip of a switch, Jobs went from being unloved and unwanted to being valuable, worthy, and remarkable.
This ability to shift our thinking is in all of us.

Aging Challenges Unique to Older LGBT Adults with William Kelly
800 536 Joe Casciani PhD

This episode of the Living to 100 Club Radio show brings author, seniors advocate, and community consultant William Kelly, to discuss the unique challenges faced by the older adult gay…

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Virtual Reality for Seniors: The Rendever Experience with Kyle Rand
905 603 Joe Casciani PhD

This episode of the Living to 100 Club Radio Show explores the development and use of Virtual Reality for seniors, an immersive visual experience that expands the world of the…

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Riding the Waves of Time: What Married Older Couples can Teach Us with Craig and Debbie Lambert
800 536 Joe Casciani PhD

This episode takes an in-depth look at our relationships, what makes them satisfying, how to improve them, and how to use them in our quest to living longer. Relationships can…

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Lives Well Lived with Sky Bergman
800 536 Joe Casciani PhD

This episode is dedicated to the film, “Lives Well Lived” directed and produced by Sky Bergman, Professor of Photography and Video at Cal Poly State University in San Luis Obispo,…

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Celebrating Aging with a Positive Perspective with Dr. Joaquin Anguera
1024 576 Joe Casciani PhD

This week’s Living to 100 Show takes an in depth look at the myths of aging – and how ageist attitudes have fostered the negative stereotypes about growing older. What…

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How to Manage Setbacks as We Grow Older with Dr. Hugh Pates
150 150 Joe Casciani PhD

This episode is about how people face the many physical, emotional, and personal setbacks that frequently occur as we age. We will discuss many of the usual events that we…

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