Overcoming Obstacles

Injuries and Chronic Ailments

We always hear stories of fantastic accomplishments – how people overcome great hardships and reach unimaginable heights.
Roderick Sewell is a perfect example. He had both legs amputated as a child because he was born without tibias but was determined to not let these amputations hold him back. But, after years of membership in the Challenged Athletes Foundation, he went on to become the first double amputee to compete in and complete the Ironman Triathlon World Championship – a 2.4 mile swim, a 112 mile bike race (on a handcycle), and a 26-mile marathon (on prostheses and running blades). He now manages his own fitness studio to train triathletes.
Obstacles will always surface, like disabling arthritis, a heart attack or respiratory condition, dementia, or stroke. Facing these obstacles is the key to moving ahead.

A Quick Guide on What Downsizing Seniors Should Do with Their Homes
810 450 Joe Casciani PhD

by Guest Author, Rhonda Underhill Frequently, with advancing age, we face the likelihood of downsizing — and the probability of selling our home. If you’ve decided to sell, the question of…

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Project Renewment: Defining the Next Chapters in Life with Helen Dennis
810 450 Joe Casciani PhD

This episode of the Living to 100 Club radio program will explore innovations that enhance a new life stage frequently referred to as retirement. Our special guest, Helen Dennis, has…

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Joy = Living: The Hawaiian Art of Huna Healing
800 536 Joe Casciani PhD

This is an invitation to join us for the next episode of the Living to 100 Club radio program with our special guest, Belinda Farrell. We will learn about the…

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Person-centered Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic with Dr. Michael Wasserman
800 533 Joe Casciani PhD

This episode of the Living to 100 Club radio program invites a respected and noted authority on geriatric medicine and long term care, Dr. Michael Wasserman. Patient-centered care recognizes the…

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Aging, Sexuality, and Infidelity in the Digital Age with Dr. Peter Kanaris
905 566 Joe Casciani PhD

Our next episode of the Living to 100 Club radio program explores aging and sexuality. Our guest is Dr. Peter Kanaris, a clinical psychologist with a specialty in sexuality and…

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How We Flourish in the Second Half of Life with Dr. Ken Druck
800 536 Joe Casciani PhD

We are very fortunate to have Dr. Ken Druck as the next guest on the Living to 100 Club radio program, as we discuss his new book, “Raising an Aging…

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5 Common Denominators Behind All Disease with Debi Waldeck
800 536 Joe Casciani PhD

Our next episode of the Living to 100 Club radio program brings an exciting guest to share her insights about the red flags that signal the onset of sickness and…

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What are the Options in Long-Term Care Placement and Long-Term Care Insurance with Kevin Leinum
800 536 Joe Casciani PhD

Placement in long term care settings is a complicated and often stressful endeavor for many reasons, chief among them the different levels of care involved and understanding the payment for…

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Meditating at sunset
The Practice of Meditation with Aman Keays
800 536 Joe Casciani PhD

This episode of the Living to 100 Club radio show explores the practice of meditation. Meditation can be a way to improve our attention, awareness, and energy through regular practice.…

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Understanding Alzheimer’s Disease and Maintaining Brain Health with Amy Abrams
800 536 Joe Casciani PhD

This is a fact-filled episode focusing on dementia, with an emphasis on reducing the risk of developing dementia. Our guest is the former Director of Education for Alzheimer’s San Diego,…

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A Longevity Blueprint: What Is Not Being Said about Retirement with Sharon Rolfe
800 536 Joe Casciani PhD

We spend the first 12 to 16 years (or more) of our lives in school, learning how to make a living. But, how much time do we spend learning about…

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Voices from the Margins: Reflections of an Oncology Chaplain with Michael Eselun
800 536 Joe Casciani PhD

This episode is the third in a 3-part series of Living to 100 Club radio shows exploring oncology, patients with cancer, and their treatment. This episode focuses on spiritual care,…

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