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Common Questions about Aging and Sexuality, Physical Intimacy, Adapting to Physical Changes, and When to See a Professional for Help with Sexual Problems

by Dr. Joe Casciani

Aging and Sexuality

There’s an old adage, “Older adults make love less often, but mean it more.”  Sexuality in later life can remain constant, and even though there may be some challenges, seniors can continue to enjoy a physically end emotionally fulfilling sex life, at any age.  And, as the adage implies, sex can be better at 70 or 80, and though it may not be what it was like at 20 or 30, the fact that there are fewer stresses and family and work demands, an absence of unrealistic ideals and prejudices, less fear of unwanted pregnancy, and having more privacy allows people to enjoy sex as much as or more than when they were younger.

According to Health Canada, the benefits of maintaining sexual activity are well known but some are less well known:


Science has taught us that normal aging brings with it physical changes for both men and women.  An article from the National Institute on Aging describes changes for women to include a shortening and narrowing of the vagina, thinning of the vaginal walls, and less vaginal lubrication, collectively making some types of vaginal activity painful or less desirable.  For men, testosterone levels may decline and erectile dysfunction (ED) becomes more common, interfering with how long it takes to get and maintain an erection, or taking longer before another erection is possible.  See this website for a current list of recommended books about erectile dysfunction.

Other barriers that accompany the normal aging process include changes in body image with new questions about how “attractive” we are to our partner, performance anxiety and worry about sexual attention, major lifestyle changes such as retirement, and new concerns about illness, physical problems, and surgeries. Finally, we are never too old to worry about the risk of sexually transmitted diseases when engaging in sexual relations with another person who has other sexual partners; old age does not protect us from diseases like genital herpes, hepatitis B, or HIV.


Many illnesses, disabilities, and medications can impact the older adult’s sex life. These include:


Check with your physician or mental health professional about:


Each and every physical and psychological change that comes with advancing age requires new approaches to maximizing our enjoyment of sexual activity. Bodily changes in weight, skin and muscle tone require us to look beyond our own physical appearance and that of our partners, to feel just as comfortable in our aging body as we did in our young body, and to not let blame or judgement get in the way of enjoying a fulfilling sex life.

Feel free to be open with your partner about your sexual expectations and anxieties.  Discover new ways to be physically intimate if there are new obstacles.  If sexual intercourse is not possible, look for new ways to restore emotional and physical intimacy to a relationship.

Be willing to take more time to set the stage for romance and intimacy.  And, if you have lost your partner due to severe physical impairment or death, or through separation or divorce, start a new chapter and consider beginning another relationship, even exploring social dating sites (see a review of the best senior dating sites).  No one outgrows the need for intimacy and emotional closeness.  It we’re joining the Living to 100 Club, amore must be in the picture!


There are literally hundreds of thousands of products and resources on the market to enhance the sexual experience – for all ages. Here are some curated books and products that may be of interest for the 50+ age group:

Mating in Captivity: Unlocking Erotic Intelligence – a best seller with a new take on intimacy and sex, the author is a NYC psychotherapist dedicated to improving human relationships.

Younger Next Year for Women: Live Strong, Fit and Sexy Until You’re 80 and Beyond – a guide for women about aging without fear or anxiety, with a premise on growing younger for the next five to ten years.

Younger Next Year for Men – a journaling program for becoming younger and healthier, bringing planning, record-keeping and motivation to the equation.

Naked at Our Age: Talking Out Loud About Senior Sex – the author describes herself as an advocate for ageless sexuality, and is described by others as the beautiful face of senior sex.

Kegel Fitness and Pelvic Resistance Program for Men – an 8-week DVD training course that provides a series of exercises to strengthen the pelvic-floor muscles shown to be associated with sexual performance and urinary health. Consult your physician before performing any exercise routine.

Premium Kegel Exercise Kit for Women – a best-selling 6-step training pelvic-floor program designed by board-certified OBGYN and Physical therapist.

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