Recommendations for Increasing Engagement of New Residents

800 560 Joe Casciani PhD

As new residents move in and become part of the new community, increasing engagement is a deciding factor in their successful adjustment. Following are several steps to facilitate a smooth transition:

  • Employees should be aware of and alerted to the signs of relocation stress syndrome.
  • Consider initiating a “Welcoming Committee” for new residents for introductions and orientation to other residents and community programs.
  • Consider initiating a “Buddy Program.” This is where a current resident is paired with the new resident to invite to new activities and meals, and make more introductions.
  • Take time to support the new resident’s feelings and thoughts about the move. Be sure to avoid offering superficial fixes and reassurance in an attempt to placate the person’s feelings.
  • Encourage the new resident to make as many decisions and preferences as possible. This helps to restore their sense of independence and resourcefulness.
  • Invite and welcome family members to visit and participate in community events and programs.
  • Whenever possible, strive to continue with the resident’s usual schedules, preferred activities, and favorite, personal past times.

Introducing any and all of these approaches will help develop a better sense of connection to the programs. Increasing engagement for new residents is so important as they look ahead to a positive future. It is also a central ingredient to a more favorable adjustment to the new living community.

This article is referenced in the Living to 100 Club’s new publication: Better, Longer & Happier: A Guide to Aging with Purpose and Positivity