The Top Three Attributes to Cultivate Healthy Aging

Debra Valentina
800 560 Joe Casciani PhD

The Top Three Attributes to Cultivate Healthy Aging

Our guest for this Living to 100 Club podcast is Debra Valentina, life coach, public speaker, and author of three books on personal development. In addition, she has her fourth coming out in February of 2022 and a fifth one is in progress. Debra’s writing, coaching, and presentations focus on helping others maintain a forward looking mindset. She endeavors to help others maintain a hopeful outlook about their future. This conversation takes a close look at what attributes or traits are associated with healthy, positive aging. What works best when it comes to living longer, healthier, and happier? What tools will help maintain this orientation?

This conversation resonates closely with the spirit and tenets of the Living to 100 Club. We are fortunate to have someone with Debra’s experience and skills share these insights with our listeners. Be sure to tune in.

Mini Bio

Debra Valentina, MPH, founder of Creativing, is an intuitive mindset coach for high-achieving entrepreneurs and executives. On top of this, she is an international speaker, facilitator, and author. Her memoir Beyond Chaos: Journey to Freedom and Joy was published in 2020. One of Debra’s greatest gifts is to empower women and men to create fully expressed and joyful lives. You can reach Debra at

Items Mentioned for Our Listeners

Debra’s website: Creativing

Our Guest’s memoir: Beyond Chaos: The Journey to Freedom and Joy

The recommendation about Martha Beck: The Joy Diet