Fitness for Seniors: What Works When Making it a Habit?

800 536 Joe Casciani PhD

We know that adopting any behavior change is difficult. Even with the best New Year’s resolutions and most sincere intentions, implementing new behaviors, like physical exercise is a challenge. In a recent article by Jim Owen, a former guest on the Living to 100 Club podcast and creator of the documentary film, The Art of Aging Well, the reader will find a down-to-earth approach to making fitness a habit, especially fitness for seniors. Jim outlines the steps that lead to success, and consistent follow-through. We should move beyond the notion that willpower is all it takes. Willpower is temporary and fleeting, the author says. Consistency, small steps, small rewards, and expanding your options are some of Jim’s ways to harness “the power of habit.” To help with your goals for the New Year, try this quick read on for size – fitness for seniors. It will fit. Read the full article HERE.

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