Five Tips for Seniors Sharing Their Home after Marriage

800 560 Joe Casciani PhD

Five Tips for Seniors Sharing Their Home after Marriage

Guest Author, Katie Conroy

Marriage is a beautiful occasion, and it’s often even more meaningful when you find love later in life. Newlywed seniors can look forward to companionship and joy as they share their golden years together. Seniors aren’t immune to some of the challenges that can arise when sharing a home, though. The following five tips can help you make a smooth transition and enjoy life with your new partner.

1. Get Your Affairs in Order

It may be tempting to stay in honeymoon mode forever, but it’s important to get your affairs in order after your marriage. You should discuss how you plan to handle or combine finances. According to research, couples who combine finances are more likely to remain together — but that doesn’t mean it’s right for you. You should update your marital status on your tax forms and social security information, too. Determining your eligibility for health insurance or Medicare can also help you plan for the costs of long-term care and other potential expenses.

2. Start a Business Together

As you review your finances and retirement plan, you may find that your budget is coming up short. This isn’t uncommon — in fact, many retirees eventually go back to work because they cannot afford to stay in retirement. This doesn’t mean you need to return to a grueling 9-to-5, though. Instead, consider starting a business with your spouse. You could offer tutoring services, pet sitting, or sell arts and crafts you make together. Activities like these can help you boost your income.

3. Establish a Daily Routine

Establishing a common routine is a huge part of living with somebody. If you and your spouse did not cohabitate prior to marriage, it may take some adjustment from both parties. When you’re formulating a routine, consider factors such as your partner’s usual bedtime, when they get up in the morning, and when they enjoy other activities like TV programs or exercise. Ensuring that your routine is compatible with theirs will help you maintain a healthy relationship.

4. Find the Right Home

Perhaps you and your spouse have decided to search for a new home together. Nothing can match the feeling of joy when you know that you’ve found your dream house. When you do, though, it’s important to act fast. You may even need to purchase a new home before your old home has sold. If your current home is close to closing, you can request an extension to close on your new home.

5. Invest in Lawn Care and Home Maintenance Services

Finding a home to share with your spouse is a special occasion. Even if it’s practically perfect, though, you’ll probably want to make it your own. You can do this with small renovations and improvements, but as you age, you may find that there are some maintenance tasks that are too difficult. Hiring a general contractor or a home decorator can alleviate this burden. You can also hire professional landscapers to provide lawn care services. Lawn mowing services generally cost about $30 to $80, with higher prices if you also need irrigation, pruning, and other additional services.

Enjoy life with your new spouse by finding your forever home. Even if you can’t comfortably complete home maintenance tasks, there are professionals who can get the job done for you — including lawn care specialists. With a beautiful home and a brand-new business, your golden years will be great.

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Thanks to our guest author, Katie Conroy, for submitting this article. Dr. Joe Casciani is the owner and Chief Curator for the Living to 100 Club, a source of solutions to living longer and healthier, with a special focus on mindset and attitudes about aging. He has a 40-year history as a psychologist and manager of mental health practices specializing in behavioral health services with older adults. In addition to his work as a clinical consultant, he is an engaging and inspiring speaker, and helps audiences move beyond their questions and concerns about aging to create a vision of what is possible in the years ahead. He strongly believes there is value in helping people feel inspired about their future.

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