Boost Your Income with a Side Gig: 6 Tips for Senior Caregivers

800 560 Joe Casciani PhD

Guest Blog by Katie Conroy

As a caregiver for your senior loved one, you might have trouble holding down a full-time job or even working part-time outside of your home. Running your own side gig or side hustle can enable you to boost your personal income and savings while leaving you with plenty of time to attend to your loved one’s needs. Plus, checking out resources from the Living to 100 Club can help you support your loved one’s mental and physical health! Here are a few strategies you can apply to get your side hustle off the ground, from setting up an e-commerce website to forming an LLC.

Why You Need a Side Gig

If you’re a caregiver, working at a typical 9-to-5 job can be impossible. But with a side gig that you can manage on your own schedule, FlexJobs states that you can grow your network, enhance your professional skill set, create an emergency fund, save for your own retirement, and enjoy a little extra spending money.

Side Gig Inspiration

The right side gig for you depends on your personal skills and interests. Taking Care of Grandma states that caregivers should consider becoming virtual assistants or signing up for gig work apps. You could also work as a freelance blogger, illustrator, proofreader, or web designer.

Sell Products Through E-Commerce

If you’re artistic and you enjoy creating handmade goods for your loved ones, you could start selling these products through an e-commerce platform. Starting an e-commerce business is a great choice for caregivers because you manage all of your entrepreneurial responsibilities right from home! To sell your products online, you’ll need to set up a shop with the right e-commerce platform. By leveraging a unified platform,

you’ll be able to design personalized shopping experiences and engage customers across numerous sales channels. With a platform that includes tools for rich content, inventory management, payment processing, and data analytics, you can handle all of your processes with a single software solution and enjoy huge time savings.

Register for LLC Status

Before you start officially selling your products or services, it’s a good idea to protect your finances by setting up an LLC for your business. By registering your side hustle as an LLC, you’ll gain limited liability status and enjoy tax breaks. You might be concerned about the costs of hiring a lawyer to help you through the filing process, but you could save by filing on your own or using an online formation service. Just read up on your state’s specific formation rules prior to filing.

Land Your First Customers

Making your very first sales can be challenging! To get your first customers, you can create a website, set up social media accounts for your business, and network within your social circle. In other words, let your family and friends know that you’re open for business!

DIY Marketing

It’s important to engage in ongoing marketing efforts to continuously bring in new customers for your side hustle. To effectively promote your business while minimizing your spending on marketing, you might want to try email marketing. Sending out an email newsletter is a great way to connect with your loyal customers regularly. You can also let them know about deals and promotions early!

If you’re a caregiver, traditional employers may not always be able to accommodate your scheduling needs. But today, you can run a lucrative side hustle from the comfort of your home. With these tips, you can explore workable ideas like running an e-commerce business, registering your company as an LLC, and marketing your side hustle without spending big.

Need guidance on helping your loved one navigate their golden years? Turn to the Living to 100 Club! Download our podcasts today for advice and inspiration.

Photo via Pexels

This article was generously contributed to our blog library by the author, Katie Conroy. Thanks to Katie for her submission.

Dr. Joe Casciani is the owner and Chief Curator for the Living to 100 Club, a source of solutions to living longer and healthier, with a special focus on mindset and attitudes about aging. He has a 40-year history as a psychologist and manager of mental health practices specializing in behavioral health services with older adults. In addition to his work as a clinical consultant, he is an engaging and inspiring speaker, and helps audiences move beyond their questions and concerns about aging to create a vision of what is possible in the years ahead. He strongly believes there is value in helping people feel inspired about their future.

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