Functional Diagnostic Nutrition: What it Can Tell Us about Our Body

800 560 Joe Casciani PhD

In this Living to 100 Club podcast, we discuss a relatively new medical specialty, functional diagnostic nutrition, with our guest, Falyn Morningstar. Falyn is a Nutrition Practitioner. She shares with us the process of explaining the potential causes of many common conditions. These include joint pain, chronic fatigue, stress, hair loss, migraine, irregular bowel movement, rash, and inflammation, among others. Importantly, we discuss the five functional lab tests that are routinely done to gain a comprehensive understanding of the person. And we learn how the results may be interpreted. What types of recommendations may be triggered by these lab findings? And why is the 55+ age group more sensitive to disruptions in our functional health? This is an eye-opening discussion of an important subject.

Mini Bio

Falyn experienced personal strife and no healing support from her western-thinking practitioners. She wanted to resolve digestive discomfort, insomnia, fatigue, hair loss, muscle soreness, an irregular cycle and emotional eating. In a fitting way, the Universe guided Falyn to pursue integrative and eastern modalities. For this Nutrition Practitioner, the information from Functional Diagnostic Nutrition was so transformative that she became a certified Practitioner herself.

Falyn now guides curious and driven health-minded women from feeling fatigued, distasteful about themselves and disconnected from their power. She helps them to feeling vital, pleasure and emotionally reconnected from within. This guidance is done in a holistic and alternative way with functional lab testing and powerful resources. In this way, women can find the missing pieces in their story. They can unveil their luminous radiance to themselves and the world. Falyn’s curiosity to optimize life continues to expand and she lives by the motto “Heal Together, Rise Together.”

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