Better Health? What are the Best Five Lifestyle Practices to Support This?

800 560 Joe Casciani PhD

This Living to 100 Club podcast affirms what we know about healthy aging, and highlights five lifestyle practices that help to stay healthy and keep our brain sharp. Our guest is Berniece Hunt, a brain health specialist and wellness coach. We cover nutrition, exercise, engagement (internal and external), de-stressing, and sleep. Berniece shares her approach to helping others become educated about these practices. And she highlights the importance of following up and implementing the new behaviors. Education is one thing, but accountability is a central ingredient to successful behavior change. We learn how this can be accomplished, and what it looks like. Finally, we explore the topic of neuroplasticity, the capacity of brain networks to learn new pathways and connections, and the concept of “neurobics.”

Mini Bio

When my husband Oliver contracted sepsis, which went into his brain, I experienced a short glimpse of life with someone whose brain was “broken”. That incident halted my 12-year, post-retirement “gig” as a part-time wellness coach and turned my focus specifically to brain health. With the pandemic limiting my options, I plunged into the internet world.  My grandkids became my biggest cheerleaders as, approaching 70, I received my certification as a brain health professional, and launched my online business, Keep Your Brain Sharp. I’m loving it, challenges and all, and learning to “feel the fear and do it anyway!” 

For Our Listeners

Berniece’s Website:

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