Approaches and Interventions

Most individuals with acute or chronic medical conditions experience psychological difficulties from the losses in physical, social, and occupational functioning that accompany these conditions. These psychological difficulties include anxiety and depression, feelings of hopelessness and helplessness, despair about recovery, and a negative future outlook. Related problems in eating, sleeping, enjoyment of pleasurable activities, and strained interpersonal relationships also are common. Behavioral health practitioners have a variety of tools and approaches to address these psychological difficulties and help the individual involved manage the obstacles encountered.

Hearing Loss and The Latest in Hearing Aids: A Conversation with an Audiologist
800 560 Joe Casciani PhD

In this Living to 100 Club podcast, we explore the latest technology in hearing aids, the risks of not addressing hearing loss, and the options that are available to those…

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The Psychological Challenges of Rehabilitation
800 560 Joe Casciani PhD

by Joe Casciani, PhD The notion of someone who is aging successfully frequently implies optimum physical and mental health. But, to me, successful aging also applies to those who struggle…

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Why You Need to Know about Peppermint: A Virtual Clubhouse for the Senior Population
800 560 Joe Casciani PhD

This Living to 100 Club podcast introduces our listeners to the new world of Peppermint, a virtual clubhouse for seniors. Our guest is Rich Maggiotto, CEO of the company. We…

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Building Blocks to Better Aging
800 560 Joe Casciani PhD

This event is a Living to 100 Club conversation between two psychologists about aging well. Our host, Dr. Joe Casciani will be interviewing Dr. Hugh Pates, a clinical psychologist with…

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Creating Environments that Foster Wellness and Engagement
800 560 Joe Casciani PhD

Our guest for this Living to 100 Club podcast is Lisa Cini, an environmental design expert creating environments in health care and private settings. How do you create environments that…

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Learn Why Current Housing is Not Conducive to Longevity
800 560 Joe Casciani PhD

This Living to 100 Club conversation takes a close look why current housing configurations do not promote longevity. What are the financial, personal, and logistical arguments for aging in place?…

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Career and Post-career Satisfaction: What is it and How to Find it?
800 560 Joe Casciani PhD

Our guest for this program helps clients learn what is satisfying to them in their work and in their post-retirement years. Anthony Kuo brings his expertise as a career satisfaction…

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Growing Young: How to Make Exercise a Main Ingredient While Aging
800 560 Joe Casciani PhD

This Living to 100 Club podcast returns to the topic of exercise and physical activity, with our guest, Bill Dooley. Bill has developed a series of exercises for the 65+…

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Healing Health Care Systems
800 560 Joe Casciani PhD

Our conversation on this Living to 100 Club podcast explores the nuances of “making meaning” out of experiences of older adults. The guest is Dr. Susan Mazer, a co-founder of…

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Better Health? What are the Best Five Lifestyle Practices to Support This?
800 560 Joe Casciani PhD

This Living to 100 Club podcast affirms what we know about healthy aging, and highlights five lifestyle practices that help to stay healthy and keep our brain sharp. Our guest…

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Functional Diagnostic Nutrition: What it Can Tell Us about Our Body
800 560 Joe Casciani PhD

In this Living to 100 Club podcast, we discuss a relatively new medical specialty, functional diagnostic nutrition, with our guest, Falyn Morningstar. Falyn is a Nutrition Practitioner. She shares with…

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Mindful Living for Seniors: Cultivating Mindfulness to Improve Quality of Life
800 560 Joe Casciani PhD

In today’s fast-paced world, where distractions abound, and stress levels rise, embracing mindfulness has become increasingly vital, especially for seniors seeking to improve their quality of life. By integrating mindfulness…

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