Site icon Living to 100 Club

How to Prepare for a Peaceful Death with Dr. Faye Girsh

Even though we could live to be 100 we will all ultimately — like all living things — die. Dying can be a painful experience where dignity, control and sometimes, personhood, are lost. The motto of the Hemlock Society is Good Life Good Death. Although many of us know about Advance Directives, Hospice, and Palliative Care, we also have the option, in California, of a medically assisted death with the help of a physician. We will talk about who is eligible for this help, how it works, and when it doesn’t. Other remedies will be discussed that are gentle, non-violent, and compassionate. The laws in other countries, including our neighbor, Canada will be discussed as well as the current situation in the United States. Resources will be mentioned.


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