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Living to 100 is a By-product of Making the Right Choices, Not a Destination

Middle-age woman buying vegetables at the market

by Joseph Casciani

On our last internet Radio episode, our guest was Nick Buettner, of the Blue Zones team.  He spoke passionately about the lessons that we’ve learned from the centenarians living in the Blue Zones, and how these lessons are being applied in cities throughout the U.S.  One of the points our guest made is that  environments can be set up in our cities to encourage people to make the right choices in family and community, diet, and lifestyle, almost as if they are the default choice, rather than, for example, the unhealthy option being the default choice.  Making the right choices is easier when circumstances around us are conducive to successful aging.  So, the principle to underscore here is closely linked to what Dr. Buettner was asserting: living to 100 is more than a destination.  It is a mindset, a belief in our ability to overcome setbacks, and, most importantly, the result of making the right choices about our lifestyle and living longer.

Here are three articles that attest to the benefits of physical activity and the practice of positive thinking.


Research done by a team of international investigators has looked at speed of walking in middle-aged adults, and the findings raise some eye-opening and somewhat troublesome concerns for a “slow walk”.  Historically, doctors have seen gait or walking speed as a measure of muscle strength, lung function, balance, spine strength, and eyesight, while slow walking speed in old age has been associated with dementia and functional decline.  However, in this research, 1,037 participants were followed from an early age to the age of 45, and the results showed significant decline in immune systems, brain scan, and other measures for those with slower gait speed at early ages.

To read the full article, follow this link:


Recent Living to 100 Club blogs on the subject of positive thinking have highlighted the practice of positive thinking, including explanatory stylesre-framing and affirmations.  And, what we are continuing to see is more evidence-based research highlighting the physical benefits of positive thinking.  Follow this link for a short read on the effects an optimistic thinking style on immunity levels, resilience, and our ability to manage stress.


Do men and women who are more optimistic live longer?  This is what researchers at Boston University have found: optimistic people have a 11 to 15% longer lifespan compared with  those who are pessimistic, and at least for women, those who are most optimistic in their study wer 30% less likely to die from serious illness, including cancer, heart disease, and stroke, compared with those who see the glass as half empty.  Follow this link to read a quick summary: And, click here for the full article from the American Journal of Epidemiology.

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