
1024 683 Joe Casciani PhD

by Joseph Casciani

Affirmations are statements repeated and believed that can ultimately shape our thoughts and feelings.  Repeating an affirming, positive statement can help us to create a new reality, with a force and power that takes over and extinguishes our usual mental chatter.  We believe in the best outcome, we have the highest expectations, we create a solution we did not know existed. Our brain doesn’t care if the thinking is positive or negative; we can listen to the positive channel or the negative channel. Use affirmations to focus, to believe, to adopt the new goal, and to strengthen the connections between what we want and what is.

An affirmation as simple as I am loving and lovable can “change the channel”, and favorably impact what we see in our self and what others see in us.

Affirmations can be created to help us in our relationships, in our physical status, drive and energy, or any area of our daily living.

One key to success: repeat your chosen affirmation several times daily. Download an app for your cell phone that beeps or chimes hourly, serving as a reminder to repeat, repeat, repeat.

The Living to 100 Club is intended as a frame of mind, a metaphor for maintaining a positive outlook about ourselves and our future. Join the Club for more inspiring articles about elderly care and senior living. Shop the store for the best tools and products to assist elders in independent living.

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