How do Anxiety and Worry Affect Our Health, and What are Some Strategies to Manage Them? with Dr. Jen Abel

1024 683 Joe Casciani PhD

This episode of the Living to 100 Club radio program explores the negative impact of anxiety and worry on our health and our longevity. Our guest is Dr. Jennifer Abel, a clinical psychologist and expert in the treatment of worry and anxiety. What are the most important things to understand about anxiety? What are the myths about “fighting” uncomfortable emotions? And what is the connection between worry and depression? These and other questions will be addressed with Dr. Abel, along with what strategies are effective in managing these difficult and unpleasant emotional states. We will also be discussing the grieving process and Dr. Abel’s prescriptive advice, “Visit it, don’t live in it.” These are difficult times, and feelings of generalized anxiety are widespread. We invite you to join us and encourage you to send in your questions for our guest on our next radio program.


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