An Oncologist Discusses Living with Cancer: A Conversation with Dr. Radha Vemuri

800 536 Joe Casciani PhD

Dr. Radha Vemuri has had a 35-year career as a medical oncologist. Two years ago, he was diagnosed with stage IV non-small cell lung cancer. The next Podcast of the Living to 100 Club invites Dr. Vemuri to discuss his medical career treating patients with terminal cancer, and his own precarious medical situation.

Most important, Dr. Vemuri is living with cancer and continuing his treatment. And although he is now retired, he states that he has not slowed down, offers medical consultations, and maintains an active lifestyle by playing golf and tennis. His perspective is worth a close look: I have no control over the course of my stage IV lung cancer. The only control I have is how I react to it.

During our conversation, we explore his goals to live a positive life, his perspective about dealing with adverse events, and the importance for health care professionals to help patients deal with uncertainties. He writes about knowing that he cannot alter the inevitable but also stresses the importance of positive thinking even in the direst circumstances of living with cancer. Fortunately, Radha is also working on a book about redefining hope at every stage of cancer.  This Podcast promises to offer an honest look at a tough subject.

Mini Bio

Radha Vemuri, MD, is board certified in internal medicine and oncology. He graduated from Osmania Medical College in Hyderabad, India in 1971 and completed his medical oncology fellowship at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, Michigan. He practiced in Kalamazoo, Michigan, and served as medical director at the West Michigan Cancer Center. Dr. Vemuri is a frequent lecturer and has received many awards for Outstanding Teacher of the Year. He is a Fellow of the American College of Physicians and the Royal College of Physicians in Canada. He also served on the medical staff at West Michigan Cancer Center, Borgess and Bronson Hospitals, and Bronson LakeView Hospital in Paw Paw, Michigan. Radha is now retired and resides in Georgia.

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