Confronting Early Trauma and Stress: How Writing Set Me Free

Vera Stasny
800 560 Joe Casciani PhD

This program invites as its guest Vera Stasny. Vera writes about personal trauma, loss, joy, pain, love, and death. Her book, Being Heard: Healing Voices of Trauma, is a collection of poems reflecting her traumatic life experiences. These include living as a young child in war-torn London during WW II. Additionally, she has experienced serious physical injury and illness. On top of this, she was a caregiver for her mother during a 15-year dementing illness. Now, she has progressed to a healthy, enjoyable, and fulfilled life.

In this podcast, we explore how Vera has used her writing and journaling to cope with and recover from stresses. And, how her writing kept her on her own healing journey. Join us in this conversation about our writer’s introspection, personal life experiences, and the poems that have set her free. Also, please note that Vera is donating proceeds from her book sales to AfricaELI, a non profit organization which educates young girls in South Sudan. In doing so, Vera hopes that they too will find their voices.

Mini Bio

Vera Stasny has been a lifelong learner and seeker. She is drawn to the unexplainable and unseen. Our guest has pursued training in many life energy healing modalities. She has explored the Enneagram, CranioSacral therapy, Sufi healing, and other natural healing therapies. Vera, now happily retired, had successful careers in education and finance. She divides her time between NYC and Vermont. Along with being an avid skier, Vera is committed to living a healthy, enjoyable, and fulfilled life.

Items Mentioned for Our Listeners

Vera’s book, Being Heard: Healing Voices of Trauma

Vera’s book reference on how trauma affects self-esteem, Complex PTSD Trauma and Recovery, by Elise Van Der Kolk

Podcasting Award

Feedspot RSS News Reader selected the Living to 100 Club Podcast among the Top 20 Aging Podcasts You Must Follow in 2021. Thanks to all of our listeners for tuning in, and to our guests for the great conversations.

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