Finding Resilience and Positivity as We Age

800 560 Joe Casciani PhD

This Living to 100 Club podcast is a “reverse” of the conventional program. Here, the usual host, Dr. Joe Casciani, is a guest discussing resilience on Wendy Green’s podcast, Hey, Boomer, recorded in January.


Here is the episode description from Wendy’s website, Hey Boomer:

This episode was live on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and I started it by reading a portion of the “I have a Dream” speech. Which led to my first question. “Is hope and positivity the same thing, and how important are they to our mental health as we age?”

Positivity and mindset highlights:

  • Having a positive attitude helps people recovering from an illness or accident.
  • We do better when we look for success and look for improvement.
  • In other words, you see what you look for.
  • A positive mindset can help you stay healthy and live longer.

Resilience highlights:

  • Some personality styles tend to be more resilient.
  • Resilience can be learned, it may be an untapped skill.
  • What can you do when life gets hard? Try to find at least one good thing.

Aging is about adapting to change and staying engaged. We do this by recognizing what we can and what we cannot control.

Episode Takeaways:

  1. Be ready to start new chapters. You don’t have to let yesterday define who you are today.
  2. Look for what’s right; become the change you want to be.


Mini Bio

Dr. Joe Casciani spent 40 years as a psychologist and manager of mental health practices specializing in the care of older adults. He now has a podcast, Living to 100 Club and a website called where he shares inspiration and resources to help adults as we move into our retirement years.

For Our Listeners

Books mentioned in this episode:

Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself by Joe Dispenza

Keep it Moving: Lessons for the Rest of Your Life by Twyla Tharpe

Live Long Die Short by Roger Landry

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