
Latest Blog Postings on Mental Wellness

What is There to Celebrate about Aging? Plenty
800 560 Joe Casciani PhD

by Joseph M. Casciani, PhD In the midst of the doctor’s appointments, forgetfulness, medications, and other setbacks, it’s easy to lose sight of the benefits of getting older. Here’s a short list of the many…

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Neuroplasticity: Rewiring Our Brain when It Needs to Adapt
800 560 Joe Casciani PhD

Neuroplasticity challenges the old belief that the brain is fixed and unchangeable after a certain age. But research evidence now strongly supports the existence of the brain’s ability to restructure or rewire itself. For example,…

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Neuroplasticity and Neurogenesis: Their Role in Learning, Memory, and Recovery from Injury
800 560 Joe Casciani PhD

Neuroplasticity and Neurogenesis Neurogenesis refers to the process by which new neurons are generated in the brain. This can happen both during development and in adulthood. Neuroplasticity, on the other hand, is the brain’s ability…

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The Story of Malala Yousafzai
800 560 Joe Casciani PhD

The Story of Malala Yousafzai Malala Yousafzai, a Pakistani activist for female education, exemplifies remarkable behavior change in the face of adversity. At just 15 years old, Malala was targeted by the Taliban for her…

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Improving the Odds of Successful Behavior Change
800 560 Joe Casciani PhD

Good intentions are rarely enough to help us reach our goals, whether to improve relationships, lose weight, exercise more, eliminate a bad habit, or finish that project that keeps getting postponed. Behavior change is difficult…

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Useful Descriptive Terms for Communicating about Mental Disorders
800 560 Joe Casciani PhD

The following terms may be useful when describing the speech, behavior, or appearance of an older adult as they relate to possible mental disorders. These may be observed in a senior living setting. Correctly communicating…

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Dementia Subtypes
800 560 Joe Casciani PhD

Dementia is caused by various diseases and conditions, many with no cure. The table below shows the early symptoms, pathology, and prevalence of four main dementia subtypes, all progressive and irreversible. Type of DementiaEarly SymptomsPathologyPrevalenceAlzheimer’s…

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Age-related Forgetfulness and More Serious Memory Problems
800 560 Joe Casciani PhD

Problems with memory, particularly for recent events, is not uncommon during the aging process. Many people worry about how serious a case of “forgetfulness” may be. However, in contrast to the types of memory problems…

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Delirium: What is It and What are the Signs?
800 560 Joe Casciani PhD

Delirium is a state of mental confusion and disorganization. Delirium and dementia are different. This state of mental confusion and disorganization is found in older adults when they are experiencing a sudden or acute physical…

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Depression, Dementia, and Delirium: What are the Differences?
800 560 Joe Casciani PhD

Depression, dementia, and delirium are colloquially referred to as the “3 D’s”. First, what depression looks like: a) sad mood, feeling worthless, hopeless, and helpless; b) loss of interest, decreased energy, and loss of initiative;…

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Caregiver Approaches when a Resident May Be Depressed
800 560 Joe Casciani PhD

Seven Recommended Approaches when Interacting with a Resident Who May be Depressed Recognize symptoms – The older adult population typically does not admit to feelings of depression. Importantly, many are from an era when people…

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Assessment of Depression in Older Adults: What are the Considerations?
800 560 Joe Casciani PhD

These factors should be kept top of mind when assessing for evaluating depression in older adults: Older adults have higher rates of transient, recurring and atypical symptoms of depression (e.g., apathy, multiple physical symptoms and…

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Dr. Casciani has been thinking about, and helping people, be well, physically and mentally, for decades. He can’t help but put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) and share his thoughts and insights. We hope you find knowledge on mental and physical wellness, and find value here.

What does mental wellness look like? What does it take to be resilient? How do we keep moving forward when facing a major challenge? How do we overcome depression and pessimism?

Living to 100 Club members turn aging on its head, knowing and understanding age is only a number. The Living to 100 Club is for everyone, of all ages, who want to maintain a positive outlook about our futures. The Living to 100 Club offers fresh and inspiring perspectives on aging successfully, no matter how much help we may need adapting to growing older. Whether we’re still running marathons or confined to a wheelchair, we can always keep a positive frame of mind, strive for mental wellness, look forward to events in our future, and plan on living to 100.

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