
A directory of all of Dr. Casciani’s Blog Posts

Staying the Course: Aging Succesfully in the Face of Financial Obstacles
800 560 Joe Casciani PhD

Joe Casciani, PhD November 30, 2020 We have known from the outset of this COVID-19 pandemic that older adults have experienced a disproportional impact on their health, whether in the…

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The Face of Aging in the 21st Century: Celebrate, Embrace, Empower, and Welcome What We are Witnessing today
800 536 Joe Casciani PhD

Joe Casciani, PhD Introduction Over the last century, advances in science and medicine have extended life expectancy at birth by two to three decades. And because we are living longer,…

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Staying Ahead of the 8 Ball: How Seniors Can Manage Fear about the COVID-19 Pandemic
800 536 Joe Casciani PhD

Joe Casciani, PhD There are realistic concerns for older adults about the risk of becoming infected with the corona virus. This is not due to being older per se, but…

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Receptionist for side gigs
48 Tips to the Perfect Side Gig
800 536 Joe Casciani PhD

Joe Casciani, PhD We are in the middle of a gig economy. Employed and unemployed people alike are finding work as freelancers and independent contractors. These are flexible jobs, sometimes…

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Older woman watching pennies
The Results are In: There is a Price to Pay with Some Medicare Advantage Plans
800 536 Joe Casciani PhD

Joe Casciani, PhD My Experience with Medicare Advantage Plans As a geropsychologist, I have worked with traditional Medicare, Medicare Advantage (“MA”) plans, HMO’s, and Medicaid insurance programs for patients in…

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older workers in grocery store
Now that we are living longer, what should we remind employers about the older worker?
800 536 Joe Casciani PhD

It’s not difficult to understand seniors’ incentives to continue working, whether as an employee or self-employed. From the vantage point of the employer, however, it helps to highlight what the older adult brings to the workplace. Here are some benefits:

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older worker in coffee shop
What Increases Older Adults’ Success in the Workplace?
800 536 Joe Casciani PhD

Joe Casciani, PhD July 29, 2020 It is well established that we are living longer today than ever before in our history. And, with this increase in longevity, we are…

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LLITNN Book Cover
Living Longer is the New Normal is in Print!
683 1024 Joe Casciani PhD

Dr. Casciani’s new book “Living Longer is the New Normal” is published and available on Amazon “Living Longer is the New Normal” offers inspiration about aging, and brings perspectives to…

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Approaches and Interventions
800 536 Joe Casciani PhD

Most individuals with acute or chronic medical conditions experience psychological difficulties from the losses in physical, social, and occupational functioning that accompany these conditions. These psychological difficulties include anxiety and…

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Stroke Effects
800 536 Joe Casciani PhD

Photo by VSRao Strokes may cause temporary or permanent disabilities, depending on how long the brain lacks blood flow and which part is affected. Age and race are risk factors,…

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Rehabilitation Facts
800 536 Joe Casciani PhD

Photo by Anna Shvets Rehabilitation becomes an indispensable ingredient to restore functioning or manage the impact of a medical event or condition on a person’s functioning. It also seeks to…

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Parkinson’s Disease Facts
800 536 Joe Casciani PhD

Photo by Gerd Altmann Parkinson’s disease is a disorder involving a deterioration of the central nervous system, especially the motor system, resulting in shaking, rigidity of the limbs, slowness, and…

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