Create a Positive Mind Set

Motivating Yourself to be Better

The way we explain events in our lives has a huge impact on how well we cope with them.
Does our thinking tend to be positive or negative: is the glass always half full or half empty? Do we always worry about things we have no control over, or do we spend time on things we can control, like our thoughts, our values, or our goals? Do we remain optimistic about our future, or does our future outlook become dark and pessimistic?
There are always gray clouds in the sky, but we have to remember there is always a blue sky above these clouds. Seeing the exceptions to bad things happening is like allowing a little blue to poke through the gray skies.

Are You Looking for a Podcast?
800 536 Joe Casciani PhD

Read Full Article There are many things we do, as we pursue healthy longevity, cooking, gardening, exercising. And you can listen to a podcast while doing all of them. So…

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93 Years of Practicing Yoga
480 305 Joe Casciani PhD

Read the Full Article Starting at 8, Tao Porchon-Lynch practiced Yoga for the next 93 years. Her life circumstances took her around the world, powered by a healthy diet and…

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Managing Anxiety in a Pandemic
800 536 Joe Casciani PhD

Article Referenced Some good advice on managing anxiety during this period of public health crisis, from the Associate V.P. of health and wellness programs at College of William and…

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Mindful Moments
960 540 Joe Casciani PhD

Article Referenced A short and sweet mindfulness exercise, by psychologist Bryan Robinson, PhD, to help relieve stress and anxiety.Slowing down and paying attention to your thoughts can boost productivity.Workaholics, especially,…

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33 Stress Management Tips
1024 683 Joe Casciani PhD

Article Referenced Here is an extensive collection of short, easy to put into action methods to reduce stress.The author brings together a diverse group of health experts to offer…

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Wheelchair Gardening
Tapping into Resilience
909 1024 Joe Casciani PhD

Article Referenced This is a nice re-cap of how important resilience is when facing adversity, where it comes from, and how to nurture it.The author encourages us to recognize…

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50+ and Healthy: What You Need to Know about Mental Health and Healthy Aging with Dr. Murali Rao
800 536 Joe Casciani PhD

What is the relationship between mental health and successful aging? In this episode, we will take a deep dive into the role that mental health plays in staying physically healthy…

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How to Change Your Personality
1024 576 Joe Casciani PhD

Article Referred You can actually cultivate certain personality traits which will help you prevent cognitive and physical decline. This article, written by a Neuroscientist, explores how your Personality feeds…

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Truly Happy People Choose to Be That Way
905 605 Joe Casciani PhD

Excerpted from It is your conscious choice to think, feel, act, and be happy. Your predominant thoughts, come from within, and influence everything.Traits of happy people include:Happy FriendsEnjoying the…

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A Study Showing that Life Can Get Better as We Age
849 565 Joe Casciani PhD

Excerpted from Another article showing how attitude and mindfulness have greater benefits in later life, and well being can strengthen from middle age onward.Mindfullness, like wisdom, may be something…

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My Top Ten Tips for Aging Well
1024 480 Joe Casciani PhD

Excerpted from This article is written by a past Mayor of Denver, Guillermo Vidal. We’re all familiar with this list of strategies for successful aging, but here it is…

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senior leader
Seniors in the Workplace
1600 1067 Joe Casciani PhD

This is the first in a series of articles from the Living to 100 Club that will highlight the benefits and contributions of the senior worker.

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