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Overcoming Your Addiction to the Status Quo

Kathryn Burmeister, attorney

Overcoming Your Addiction to the Status Quo

This episode of the Living to 100 Club Podcast invites as its guest Kathryn Burmeister to discuss addiction to the status quo. Kathryn is an attorney, coach, author, and public speaker. Kathryn’s message to her clients is that we do not have to reach rock bottom before we make changes in our life or the pathway we are on. She shares her experiences and her recommendations about being restricted by our internal and external expectations. This is what she refers to as the “status quo.” We also discuss overcoming adversity, taking control of our future, and creating balance in our work and family life. Listen to our conversation about starting out with small steps on a new journey – without fear or anxiety. And learn more about how to bridge old and new interests as we take those small steps.

Mini Bio

Kathryn is a native of Atlanta. She is the second in her family to graduate college, earning her bachelor’s and law degrees from Mercer University. She is a lawyer, author, speaker, mentor, and coach.  Kathryn started her own law firm in October of 2018. She focuses exclusively on personal injury by giving a voice to those that have been hurt because of someone else. She wrote her first book, “Overcoming Addiction to the Status Quo,” in 2020. In addition, she began speaking about self-care, business, and law the same year.

Her passion for helping others is a theme that crosses between her presentations. Kathryn has a particular passion for mental health, self-improvement, and emotional intelligence. She integrates these themes into her legal practice, speaking, writing, and coaching as well. She volunteers and is on the board of many non-profits.  An animal lover, she rescued her first in the sixth grade. She has ridden horses since she was seven years old. Also, she enjoys taking equestrian vacations in different parts of the world.

Items Mentioned for Our Listeners

Kathryn’s website: Kathryn F. Burmeister

Kathryn’s book: Overcoming Addiction to the Status Quo

Pet Rescue from Domestic Abuse: Ahimsa House

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