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Resilience: Why it Matters

Resilience: Why it Matters

Joe Casciani, PhD

We hear the term resilience used quite a lot these days, likely because it comes into the picture of so many adverse and unpleasant events occurring in our world. We see the likes of surviving the ravages of war, recovering the destruction of hurricanes or fires, and managing the tragedy of senseless losses and deaths. And of course, resilience is that necessary quality to get back up on one’s feet and stay determined to return to normal as soon as possible. We always want to ask: How do the victims of these events recover? Is it always possible to re-build and recover? How long does it take? And what about those who choose not to “get back up off the mat?”

There are many words synonymous with resilience, words like grit, drive, fire, and even spirit. Whatever we want to call it, I believe that this quality resides in each one of us. It doesn’t go away. Though, sometimes it may feel like we have no resilience left inside, maybe after repeated trials or suffering. Or, it may be blocked or covered up, and we say we have nothing left to make it through. But, I maintain, one’s resilience is always there to tap into. We may have to dig deep and fight that sense of helplessness during the most difficult times. But the resilience is there.  As long as we are breathing, and we can make decisions for our self, we can access this inner quality.

What Does Resilience Look Like?

Here are the features of resilient people:

Ask Yourself


In short, we know advancing age brings with it new stresses and new losses. And as we’ve heard so many times, “Aging ain’t for sissies!” It is so important to spotlight the fact that resilient people are able to bounce back after hard times. Maybe we can return to “normal,” like after a fall, hip fracture, and successful rehab. And maybe we can never return to normal, following the onset of a dementing illness or the loss of a spouse, so we create a “new normal.” Regardless, we recover emotionally from the loss and stay determined to keep moving forward.

As distressing as the negative event is, there is always opportunity to start a new chapter, and keep a positive outlook toward the future. Resilience matters, and ours is always available.

Dr. Joe Casciani is the owner and Chief Curator for the Living to 100 Club, a source of solutions to living longer and healthier, with a special focus on mindset and attitudes about aging. He has a 40-year history as a psychologist and manager of mental health practices specializing in behavioral health services with older adults. In addition to his work as a clinical consultant, he is an engaging and inspiring speaker, and helps audiences move beyond their questions and concerns about aging to create a vision of what is possible in the years ahead. He strongly believes there is value in helping people feel inspired about their future.

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