Seniors Dealing with Challenges

Have you run into challenges in your senior years?
Injuries, Diseases, and Chronic Ailments sometimes have to be dealt with as we strive to make the most of every day.
Dr. Casciani understands what you are facing and has gathered some great information to help you along your life’s journey.

Approaches and Interventions
800 536 Joe Casciani PhD

Most individuals with acute or chronic medical conditions experience psychological difficulties from the losses in physical, social, and occupational functioning that accompany these conditions. These psychological difficulties include anxiety and…

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Stroke Effects
800 536 Joe Casciani PhD

Photo by VSRao Strokes may cause temporary or permanent disabilities, depending on how long the brain lacks blood flow and which part is affected. Age and race are risk factors,…

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Rehabilitation Facts
800 536 Joe Casciani PhD

Photo by Anna Shvets Rehabilitation becomes an indispensable ingredient to restore functioning or manage the impact of a medical event or condition on a person’s functioning. It also seeks to…

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Parkinson’s Disease Facts
800 536 Joe Casciani PhD

Photo by Gerd Altmann Parkinson’s disease is a disorder involving a deterioration of the central nervous system, especially the motor system, resulting in shaking, rigidity of the limbs, slowness, and…

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Chronic Pain Facts
800 536 Joe Casciani PhD

Photo by truthseeker08–2411480 Chronic pain can be a very disabling condition for many adults, and can lead to debilitating depression, sleep difficulty, and interference with one’s usual personal, social, and…

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Obesity Facts
800 536 Joe Casciani PhD

Photo by mohamed_hassan Obesity is an excessive accumulation of fat that presents a risk to one’s health. In 2017, according to the World Health Organization, over 4 million people died…

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Chronic Respiratory Disease Facts
905 603 Joe Casciani PhD

Chronic respiratory disease impacts the airways and structures of our lungs and causes limitations in airflow. The most common are chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma, though pulmonary hypertension…

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Kidney Disease Facts
800 533 Joe Casciani PhD

Photo by Karolina Grabowska Signs and symptoms of kidney disease may not appear until irreversible damage has occurred.  Because many medical conditions increase the risk of kidney disease, including diabetes,…

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Incontinence Facts
480 320 Joe Casciani PhD

Urinary incontinence is a common and often embarrassing problem for men and women and can range from occasionally leaking urine when coughing or laughing to episodes of strong and uncontrollable…

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Heart Chest Pain
Heart Disease Facts
800 533 Joe Casciani PhD

The following is derived from the Handbook of Health and Behavior: Psychological Treatment Strategies for the Nursing Home Patient Joseph M. Casciani, PhD This is part of a series where…

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Sugar and Needle
Diabetes Facts
800 481 Joe Casciani PhD

Photo by Myriams-Fotos Diabetes is a chronic disease that is caused by high levels of blood sugar, or glucose, that eventually causes damage to the heart, blood vessels, nerves, kidneys,…

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Dementia Facts
1024 683 Joe Casciani PhD

Dementia is a syndrome or collection of symptoms that produce declines in memory and other mental abilities creating confusion and communication difficulty. Dementia is caused by various conditions diseases or…

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