Seniors Dealing with Challenges

Have you run into challenges in your senior years?
Injuries, Diseases, and Chronic Ailments sometimes have to be dealt with as we strive to make the most of every day.
Dr. Casciani understands what you are facing and has gathered some great information to help you along your life’s journey.

Better Habits, Better Health: Top Takeaways from Radio Show with Dr. Michael Howard
800 536 Joe Casciani PhD

by Joe Casciani BETTER HABITS, BETTER HEALTH A recent guest on the Living to 100 Club Radio Show was Dr. Michael Howard, health educator, neuropsychologist, and researcher on aging and…

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An Inside Look at Positive Psychology – Part One
1024 683 Joe Casciani PhD

by Joe Casciani It’s been said that psychology, historically, has attempted to understand and help people by focusing on problems and dysfunction.  Positive psychology is different; it instead examines how…

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Affirmations | Inspiration for Seniors
1024 683 Joe Casciani PhD

by Joseph Casciani Affirmations are statements repeated and believed that can ultimately shape our thoughts and feelings.  Repeating an affirming, positive statement can help us to create a new reality,…

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A Quick Guide on What Downsizing Seniors Should Do with Their Homes
810 450 Joe Casciani PhD

by Guest Author, Rhonda Underhill Frequently, with advancing age, we face the likelihood of downsizing — and the probability of selling our home. If you’ve decided to sell, the question of…

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A Paradigm Shift in Alzheimer’s Disease: The Top Takeaways from a Radio Show with Dr. Gary Rosenberg
1200 675 Joe Casciani PhD

by Joe Casciani Successful aging involves maintaining as healthy a lifestyle as possible, watching our eating habits, staying physically active, having a sense of purpose, fostering religious or spiritual ties,…

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An Inside Look at Positive Psychology – Part Two
1024 683 Joe Casciani PhD

by Joe Casciani This is the second of two articles on positive psychology.  The first part focused on basic principles of positive psychology and positive and negative explanatory styles.  In…

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An Inside Look at Positive Psychology – Part Three
1024 683 Joe Casciani PhD

by Joe Casciani OPENING This is the third in a series of articles on the principles of positive psychology. The first two looked at “explanatory styles” or how we explain…

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Joy = Living: The Hawaiian Art of Huna Healing
800 536 Joe Casciani PhD

This is an invitation to join us for the next episode of the Living to 100 Club radio program with our special guest, Belinda Farrell. We will learn about the…

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Person-centered Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic with Dr. Michael Wasserman
800 533 Joe Casciani PhD

This episode of the Living to 100 Club radio program invites a respected and noted authority on geriatric medicine and long term care, Dr. Michael Wasserman. Patient-centered care recognizes the…

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Aging, Sexuality, and Infidelity in the Digital Age with Dr. Peter Kanaris
905 566 Joe Casciani PhD

Our next episode of the Living to 100 Club radio program explores aging and sexuality. Our guest is Dr. Peter Kanaris, a clinical psychologist with a specialty in sexuality and…

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5 Common Denominators Behind All Disease with Debi Waldeck
800 536 Joe Casciani PhD

Our next episode of the Living to 100 Club radio program brings an exciting guest to share her insights about the red flags that signal the onset of sickness and…

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Staying Positive with Q-U-I-E-T: Quitting Untruths in Every Thought with Machen MacDonald
800 536 Joe Casciani PhD

This episode of the Living to 100 Club radio program focuses on attitude, self-perception, and understanding how our actions are determined by the thoughts we have. If we have as…

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