Seniors Dealing with Challenges

Have you run into challenges in your senior years?
Injuries, Diseases, and Chronic Ailments sometimes have to be dealt with as we strive to make the most of every day.
Dr. Casciani understands what you are facing and has gathered some great information to help you along your life’s journey.

What Seniors Need to Know about the Science of THC, CBD, and Cannabis with Wayne Schwind
1024 576 Joe Casciani PhD

This episode of the Living to 100 Club Radio program explores the expanding use of cannabis and CBD for medicinal use, especially among older adults. Are seniors using cannabis to…

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What are the Options in Long-Term Care Placement and Long-Term Care Insurance with Kevin Leinum
800 536 Joe Casciani PhD

Placement in long term care settings is a complicated and often stressful endeavor for many reasons, chief among them the different levels of care involved and understanding the payment for…

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Meditating at sunset
The Practice of Meditation with Aman Keays
800 536 Joe Casciani PhD

This episode of the Living to 100 Club radio show explores the practice of meditation. Meditation can be a way to improve our attention, awareness, and energy through regular practice.…

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Understanding Alzheimer’s Disease and Maintaining Brain Health with Amy Abrams
800 536 Joe Casciani PhD

This is a fact-filled episode focusing on dementia, with an emphasis on reducing the risk of developing dementia. Our guest is the former Director of Education for Alzheimer’s San Diego,…

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A Longevity Blueprint: What Is Not Being Said about Retirement with Sharon Rolfe
800 536 Joe Casciani PhD

We spend the first 12 to 16 years (or more) of our lives in school, learning how to make a living. But, how much time do we spend learning about…

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Voices from the Margins: Reflections of an Oncology Chaplain with Michael Eselun
800 536 Joe Casciani PhD

This episode is the third in a 3-part series of Living to 100 Club radio shows exploring oncology, patients with cancer, and their treatment. This episode focuses on spiritual care,…

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Exploring Nutrition and Cancer, Wellness, and the Immune System with Carolyn Katzin
800 536 Joe Casciani PhD

This episode of the Living to 100 Club Radio Program highlights the subject of nutrition and cancer, and discusses how good nutrition is an important component of traditional oncologic care.…

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Resilience through Uncertainty: Living Well through a Cancer Diagnosis with Dr. Kauser Ahmed
800 536 Joe Casciani PhD

This episode is a departure from the usual Living to 100 topics airing on our Radio Show, but one equally important to other programs we have had. We will be…

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Zenergy Healing Mat
How to Experience Blissful Rejuvenation with Zenergy for Optimal Health with Michelle Palmer
220 147 Joe Casciani PhD

This show invites wellness expert, Michelle Palmer, to discuss the benefits of infrared heat and crystal stone therapy to boost energy and reduce joint pain, inflammation and stress. After experiencing…

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Narrative Gerontology: How the Pen has Power to Promote Optimal Aging with Dr. Paula Hartman-Stein
1024 683 Joe Casciani PhD

This show will explore “narrative gerontology,” a relatively new interdisciplinary field of research and practice, meaning “life as story” and involving late life. In the early 1960’s, the gerontologist Robert…

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Exploring Supportive Environments for Older Adults with Addie Abushousheh
800 536 Joe Casciani PhD

This program takes an in-depth look at how environments are, or should be, designed that take into account the normal age-related changes that occur as we get older, as well…

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healthy older couple
Mindful Reflections in the New Year
760 1024 Joe Casciani PhD

Read the Full Article Though this was written as an affirmation of starting the new year on the right track, the tips that the author presents are timeless. Read this…

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