Create a Positive Mind Set

Motivating Yourself to be Better

The way we explain events in our lives has a huge impact on how well we cope with them.
Does our thinking tend to be positive or negative: is the glass always half full or half empty? Do we always worry about things we have no control over, or do we spend time on things we can control, like our thoughts, our values, or our goals? Do we remain optimistic about our future, or does our future outlook become dark and pessimistic?
There are always gray clouds in the sky, but we have to remember there is always a blue sky above these clouds. Seeing the exceptions to bad things happening is like allowing a little blue to poke through the gray skies.

turning, in the third act
Turning: The Magic and Mystery of More Days
800 560 Joe Casciani PhD

Turning: The Magic and Mystery of More Days Our guest for this Living to 100 Club Podcast is author, geriatric nurse, and positive aging advocate, Becky Blue. Becky’s latest book,…

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Successful Aging: Here are Some More Strategies
800 560 Joe Casciani PhD

Successful Aging: Here are Some More Strategies Dr. Joe Casciani This month, there is a continuation of my “9 Tips to Make Living Longer Enjoyable,” with two more strategies presented…

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optimism or pessimism
Successful Aging: Here are Some Strategies
800 560 Joe Casciani PhD

Successful Aging: Here are Some Strategies Joseph M. Casciani, PhD These days, we have many strategies on successful aging, from diet and fitness to social engagement and healthy lifestyle practices.…

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How Old Are You? What We Need to Know about Chronological, Functional, and Subjective Ages
800 560 Joe Casciani PhD

In this Living to 100 Club, Podcast, we look at various aspects of aging and positive ways to view aging. How old are you and when is someone is considered…

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Mindset, Life Purpose, and Life Balance: Tools for Joy in Our Lives
800 560 Joe Casciani PhD

On this Living to 100 Club Podcast, our guest is Dr. Samreen Mongillo. We discuss her model for living to our maximum potential – and with the most joy. Samreen…

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The Magic of Affirmation Power: How to Create Positive Change
800 560 Joe Casciani PhD

The Living to 100 Club is especially excited to invite as its guest for this Podcast Michele Blood. Our guest shares with us her work on affirmation power, and helping…

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Life Doesn’t Happen to You…You Happen to Life
800 560 Joe Casciani PhD

This Living to 100 Club conversation focuses on the importance of mindset and overcoming our limiting self-beliefs. Life doesn’t happen to you, you happen to life, says our guest, Sandy…

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Wakefulness: A Key to Thriving vs. Surviving
800 560 Joe Casciani PhD

This Living to 100 Club Podcast explores the topic of wakefulness from the eyes of a mental health practitioner with over 30 years working with adults of all ages. Katherine…

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Resilience: Why it Matters
800 560 Joe Casciani PhD

Resilience: Why it Matters Joe Casciani, PhD We hear the term resilience used quite a lot these days, likely because it comes into the picture of so many adverse and…

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Becoming More Empowered by Owning the Story about Who We Are
800 560 Joe Casciani PhD

Becoming More Empowered by Owning the Story about Who We Are Our guest for this Podcast is Vicki Dello Joio. Be sure to join us for this conversation as we…

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How Language and Words Affect How Well We Age
800 560 Joe Casciani PhD

How Language and Words Affect How Well We Age The Living to 100 Club is excited to invite as its guest for this Podcast Eileen Greene. At 93, Eileen is…

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Rejuvenate Your Face and Your Life
800 560 Joe Casciani PhD

Rejuvenate Your Face and Your Life On this Living to 100 Club Podcast, we are excited to have as our guest Alice Inoue. Alice is an award-winning author who shares…

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